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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 delves into the topic of how computation affects wealth globally. It provides examples of both negative and positive consequences of employing computational advancements in society. In The Giver, the concept of wealth is unknown. There is equity among all members of society so no one household has more wealth than another. There is an important distinction between equality and equity, which the community members do not yet comprehend.

Paper Summary: Chapter 10

​The final chapter in the textbook explored the influence technology has on working conditions and wealth. In the society described in The Giver, technology plays an interesting role. Unlike what would be seen in a real world setting, technology is not used in a way to replace workers, improve efficiency, or change any condition. The technology is actually being used to maintain conditions and prevent major disparities or revolutions from occurring. The entire premise of the society is that every member of the community is equal. There are no differences between dwellings, each individual is given a specific role so there are no concerns regarding unemployment, and currency is not used. Once the individual reaches the age of eighteen, they are assigned a position based upon their personality and interests throughout life. There are a variety of roles available but each offers the same benefits.


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